
Please contact us using this page for approval for exchange or refund within 7 days of receiving merchandise. Merchandise must be in same condition as received. No laundering, alterations and tags must still be attached. Boots and shoes are subject to inspection for scuff and damages.

Any sale items will not be subject to return or refund.

Saddles other than Cowboy Rust brand are not subject to return or exchange.

Tack that has been used is not able to be returned for refund.

Trails End Western Wear & Tack is not responsible for shipping time.  We ship as soon as item is available most times within one day.  We can not guarantee delivery time and will not accept returns due to this.

The return policy for all Cowboy Rust saddles is 7 days 20% restock fee plus shipping cost in new condition no blemishes, for exchange only.

This return policy applies to all merchandise bought online or at shows

Please send email to the email on the contact us page for return label to be sent for return of product.   All shipping cost for return or exchange items will be customer responsibility.

Holiday exchange policy will reflect at Christmas shopping season